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Windows 8.1 Stuck in Automatic Repair Loop – Fix Now

Are you experiencing a Windows 8.1 automatic repair loop? Find out how to fix it now.

Causes of Continuous Startup Repair Attempts

The continuous startup repair attempts in Windows 8.1 can be caused by various factors. One of the common reasons is a corrupted Windows system file or a damaged boot configuration. To troubleshoot this issue, try running the CHKDSK utility to check for any errors on your hard drive.

Another possible cause could be a recent software installation or update that went wrong, leading to system instability. You can try booting into Safe Mode to uninstall any recently added programs or updates.

Data corruption or a virus infection can also trigger the automatic repair loop. Perform a full system scan using a reliable antivirus software to remove any malware.

If none of these solutions work, hardware issues such as a failing hard drive or faulty RAM could be the culprit. Run a diagnostic tool like Memtest86 to check your RAM for errors.

In some cases, an outdated or incompatible graphics card driver can also cause the continuous startup repair attempts. Try booting into Safe Mode and updating your graphics card driver.

Prevention and Quick Fixes for Repair Loops

  • Disable Automatic Restart

    • Press Windows Key + X and choose System
    • Click on Advanced System Settings
    • Go to the Advanced tab and click on Settings under Startup and Recovery
    • Uncheck Automatically Restart
  • Run System File Checker

    • Open Command Prompt as an administrator
    • Type sfc /scannow and press Enter
    • Wait for the scan to complete and restart your computer
  • Check Disk for Errors

    • Open Command Prompt as an administrator
    • Type chkdsk /f /r and press Enter
    • Restart your computer for the scan to run

Accessing Recovery Tools and Safe Mode

To access recovery tools and safe mode in Windows 8.1 when stuck in an automatic repair loop, you can try the following steps. First, reboot your computer and repeatedly press the F8 key to access the Advanced Boot Options menu. From there, select “Repair Your Computer” and choose “Troubleshoot” followed by “Advanced Options.”

Next, select “Startup Settings” and then click on “Restart.” Once the computer restarts, press the F4 key to enable Safe Mode. You can also access recovery tools by creating a Windows 8.1 boot disk using a USB flash drive or optical disc image.

If you have a system image or backup, you can restore your computer using System Restore to a point before the issue occurred. Another option is to run a diagnostic tool like Memtest86 to check for hardware issues that may be causing the automatic repair loop.

If these steps do not resolve the issue, you may need to consider disk partitioning or reinstalling Windows 8.1. Be sure to back up your data before attempting any major changes to avoid data loss.

Advanced Solutions: Boot Volume and Bootrec Commands

Boot Volume and Bootrec Commands

If your Windows 8.1 is stuck in an automatic repair loop, you can try using advanced solutions involving the boot volume and bootrec commands. These commands can help fix issues with the boot configuration data and get your system up and running again.

To start, you can try rebuilding the BCD (Boot Configuration Data) using the bootrec command. Boot into the Windows Recovery Environment and open a Command Prompt. Then, use the following commands:

1. bootrec /scanos – This command scans for Windows installations on your computer.
2. bootrec /rebuildbcd – This command rebuilds the BCD based on the scan results.

If the bootrec command doesn’t work, you can also try repairing the boot volume using the chkdsk command. This command checks the disk for errors and fixes them if possible. Run the following command in the Command Prompt:

3. chkdsk C: /f – Replace “C” with the letter of your system drive.

After running these commands, restart your computer and see if it boots up properly. If the issue persists, you may need to consider other troubleshooting steps or seek professional help.

By using the boot volume and bootrec commands, you can potentially resolve the automatic repair loop issue in Windows 8.1 and get your system back to normal functioning.

Rebuilding BCD and System Restore Techniques

If your Windows 8.1 is stuck in an automatic repair loop, you may need to rebuild the BCD (Boot Configuration Data) and use System Restore techniques to fix the issue.

To rebuild the BCD:
1. Insert your Windows installation media and boot from it.
2. Choose “Repair your computer” and select “Troubleshoot.”
3. Open Command Prompt and type the following commands:
bootrec /scanos
bootrec /rebuildbcd
bootrec /fixmbr
bootrec /fixboot

For System Restore:
1. Boot your PC in Safe Mode by pressing F8 during startup.
2. Go to Control Panel > System and Security > File History.
3. Click on “Recovery” and select “Open System Restore.”
4. Choose a restore point before the issue started and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the process.

Once you have rebuilt the BCD and performed a System Restore, restart your computer to see if the Windows 8.1 automatic repair loop issue has been resolved.

Resolving Issues with BIOS Settings and Corrupted Files

If you are experiencing issues with BIOS settings or corrupted files causing your Windows 8.1 to be stuck in an automatic repair loop, there are a few steps you can take to fix the problem.

First, try accessing the BIOS settings of your computer by restarting and pressing the designated key (often F2, F10, or Del) to enter the BIOS menu. From there, check if the boot order is correct and ensure that the hard drive is being recognized.

If the BIOS settings seem fine, you can attempt to repair corrupted files by running the System File Checker tool. Open Command Prompt as an administrator and type “sfc /scannow” to scan and repair any corrupted system files.

Another option is to use the Windows 8.1 installation media to access the Advanced Startup Options and perform a system restore or reset. Insert the installation media, restart your computer, and choose the repair option to access these advanced options.

Restoring Windows Registry to Fix Repair Loops

To restore the Windows Registry and fix repair loops in Windows 8. 1, you can use the Command Prompt. First, boot your computer from a Windows installation disk or a USB drive. Access the Command Prompt by selecting “Repair your computer” and navigating to Troubleshoot > Advanced Options > Command Prompt.

Once in the Command Prompt, type “regedit” and press Enter to open the Registry Editor. Navigate to “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management. “ Look for the “ClearPageFileAtShutdown” value on the right side and double click on it. Change the value data to “1” and click OK.

Restart your computer and check if the repair loop issue is resolved.


How do you fix an endless repair loop?

To fix an endless repair loop, you can try running Fixboot and Chkdsk commands, performing a system scan in safe mode, restoring the Windows Registry, disabling the automatic repair tool, disabling early launch anti-malware, and performing a hard reboot.

How do I start Windows 8.1 in Safe Mode?

To start Windows 8.1 in Safe Mode, you would need to click the Power button once and then hold down the Shift key while clicking the Restart icon. This will bring up the Advanced Boot Options menu where you can select Safe Mode.

How do I get out of Windows repair mode?

To get out of Windows repair mode, you can access Command Prompt as an administrator and ensure that the “recoveryenabled” and “identifier” values under the “Windows Boot Loader” section are set to “{current}” and “yes.”

How do you reset a computer that is stuck on automatic repair?

To reset a computer stuck on automatic repair, you can force the machine to shut down by pressing and holding the Power button three times. After 2-3 reboots, the system will enter the boot repair page. From there, choose “Troubleshoot” and then proceed to either “Refresh PC” or “Reset PC.”

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