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Error 498 Invalid Token Definition

In this article, I will discuss the error code 498 Invalid Token and its definition.

Understanding 498 HTTP Status Code

When encountering an error 498 Invalid Token, it means that the access token provided is no longer valid. This status code is typically used in scenarios where the user’s access token has expired or has been revoked for security reasons.

What to do:

To resolve this issue, the user will need to obtain a new access token by re-authenticating themselves. This process may involve logging in again or following specific steps provided by the website or application.


To prevent encountering error 498 in the future, it is essential to ensure that access tokens are managed properly. This includes implementing token expiration policies and securely handling token revocation procedures.

Remember, error 498 is specific to the token’s validity and does not necessarily indicate a problem with the server or the website itself. By understanding the cause of this error code, users can take the necessary steps to regain access to their account or services.

If you continue to experience issues with error 498 after obtaining a new access token, it may be beneficial to reach out to the website or application’s support team for further assistance.

Implementing 498 HTTP Status Code on Websites

Implementing the 498 HTTP Status Code on websites can help improve security measures by alerting users that their session has expired due to an invalid or expired token.

By returning the 498 status code, websites can prompt users to re-authenticate and generate a new token to continue accessing the site securely. This can help prevent unauthorized access and protect sensitive information from potential threats.

To implement the 498 HTTP Status Code on your website, you will need to:

1. Check for the presence of an invalid or expired token during user sessions. This can be done by verifying the token against the server’s records and validating its expiration date.

2. Return the 498 status code in the server response. When an invalid token is detected, the server should send a response with the 498 status code to notify the client that their session has expired.

3. Provide clear instructions to users on how to re-authenticate. Include details on how to generate a new token or log in again to continue using the website.

Verifying 498 HTTP Status Code Presence

To verify the presence of a 498 HTTP status code in an article titled “Error 498 Invalid Token Definition,” you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Open the article in a web browser such as Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, or Safari.

Step 2: Use the browser’s developer tools to inspect the network requests made when accessing the article.

Step 3: Look for any requests that return a 498 status code, indicating an invalid token error.

Step 4: Check the response payload for any additional information provided about the error.

HTTP Methods Associated with 498 Status Code

  • GET – Retrieve information about the error
  • HEAD – Retrieve headers for the error
  • POST – Create a new token to replace the invalid one
  • PUT – Update the token with valid information
  • DELETE – Remove the invalid token from the system

Browser Compatibility and Related Status Codes

Browser Compatibility: When encountering Error 498 Invalid Token, it’s important to consider browser compatibility issues. Make sure that the website or application is supported by major browsers such as Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, and Safari. Compatibility with different browsers can sometimes affect the generation and validation of tokens, leading to errors like Error 498.

Related Status Codes: Understanding related status codes can provide valuable insights into the root cause of Error 498. Status codes such as 400 Bad Request, 401 Unauthorized, and 403 Forbidden can indicate issues with authentication, authorization, or data validation. Check the server logs for any additional status codes that may be related to the invalid token error.

HTTP Referer Header: Ensure that the HTTP Referer header is correctly set when making requests that involve token validation. The Referer header provides information about the URL of the previous web page, which can be crucial for maintaining the security of the token-based authentication process. Make sure that the Referer header is not blocked by browser settings or parental controls.

Token Generation and Validation: Double-check the token generation and validation process to ensure that it follows best practices for security and reliability. Use strong encryption algorithms, secure token storage methods, and regular token expiration policies to prevent issues like cross-site request forgery (CSRF) or token manipulation. Implement proper error handling mechanisms to gracefully manage invalid token scenarios.


What is Feature Service Error Code 498?

Feature Service Error Code 498 is the result of a client submitting an HTTP request without a valid token, leading to a client error sent by the server.

How do I fix invalid token error?

To fix an invalid token error, you can verify the token to ensure it’s correct and, if necessary, refresh or generate a new one.

What is token based authentication failure status code 498?

Token based authentication failure status code 498 indicates an expired or invalid token.

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