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New Computer Reboot & Select Proper Boot Device Fix

In this article, I will discuss how to fix the “Reboot and Select proper Boot device” error on a new computer.

Common Causes of Boot Device Errors

Boot device errors can be frustrating, but they are often caused by common issues that can be easily resolved. One of the most common causes is a corrupted boot sector or master boot record. This can happen due to a sudden power outage, improper shutdown, or malware infection.

Another common cause of boot device errors is a misconfigured BIOS settings. Make sure to check your BIOS settings and ensure that the correct boot device is selected.

Hardware issues, such as a faulty hard disk drive or solid-state drive, can also lead to boot device errors. It is important to check the connections and health of your storage devices regularly.

Software issues, such as corrupt device drivers or an outdated operating system, can also cause boot device errors. Make sure to update your drivers and operating system to the latest version.

If you suspect that malware may be the cause of your boot device errors, run a full system scan with your antivirus software. It is important to keep your system clean and protected from potential threats.

Checking Boot Drive Detection and Order in BIOS

Step Instructions
1 Access your computer’s BIOS by pressing a specific key during startup (often F2, F10, or Del).
2 Navigate to the “Boot” or “Boot Order” section in the BIOS menu.
3 Check if your boot drive (usually your main hard drive or SSD) is detected by the BIOS. If not, check the connections and power supply to the drive.
4 Ensure that the boot drive is set as the first boot device in the boot order list. You may need to use the arrow keys to move it to the top of the list.
5 Save your changes and exit the BIOS. Your computer should now boot up from the correct drive.

Setting Correct Active Partition and Rebuilding MBR

To set the correct active partition and rebuild the Master Boot Record (MBR) on your new computer, you will need to access the Command Prompt. Press the Windows key + R, then type “cmd” and hit Enter.

Type “diskpart” in the Command Prompt and hit Enter to open the disk partition tool.

Next, type “list disk” to display all the disks connected to your computer.

Identify the disk that contains the Windows operating system and note its number.

Type “select disk X” (replace X with the disk number) and hit Enter.

Then, type “list partition” to display all the partitions on the selected disk.

Identify the partition that should be set as active and note its number.

Type “select partition Y” (replace Y with the partition number) and hit Enter.

Finally, type “active” to set the selected partition as active.

Once you have set the correct active partition, you can rebuild the MBR by using the “bootrec” command in the Command Prompt. This process will ensure that your computer boots up correctly and resolves any boot device selection issues you may have been experiencing.

Adjusting BIOS Settings to Best Defaults and Fixing Windows Boot Files

To adjust BIOS settings to best defaults, start by restarting your computer and entering the BIOS menu. Look for an option to reset settings to default or optimized defaults. Save the changes and exit the BIOS.

If you’re facing issues with Windows boot files, you can try fixing them using the Command Prompt. Boot your computer from a Windows installation disk or USB drive. Choose the repair option and navigate to the Command Prompt.

In the Command Prompt, type the following commands: bootrec /fixmbr, bootrec /fixboot, bootrec /rebuildbcd. These commands will help repair any corrupted boot files on your Windows system.

After running these commands, restart your computer and see if the issue has been resolved. If not, you may need to consider other options such as running a system restore or reinstalling Windows.

Special Cases and Reinstalling Windows

Special Cases: In certain situations, you may encounter special cases when reinstalling Windows on your computer. This could include issues with booting from a USB drive or DVD, errors during the installation process, or compatibility problems with certain hardware components.

Reinstalling Windows: If you are facing issues with your current installation of Windows and need to reinstall it, you can follow these steps to fix the problem. First, back up any important files and data from your computer to avoid losing them during the reinstallation process. Then, insert the Windows installation disc or create a bootable USB drive with the Windows installation files.

Proper Boot Device Fix: To fix the “Reboot & Select Proper Boot Device” error, you will need to access the BIOS or UEFI settings on your computer. Restart your computer and press the key indicated on the screen to enter the BIOS or UEFI menu. Once inside, navigate to the Boot options and select the correct boot device (usually your hard disk drive or solid-state drive) as the primary boot device. Save your changes and exit the BIOS/UEFI settings to restart your computer with the correct boot device selected.


How to fix your PC when it says reboot and select proper boot device?

To fix your PC when it says “reboot and select proper boot device,” you can enter the BIOS by restarting your computer and pressing either F2, F12, or Del keys. From there, navigate to the boot option and change the boot priority to select the OS to boot from the bootable drive. Save the changes, exit BIOS, and restart your PC, allowing it to start up properly.

How to fix reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in selected boot device Asus?

To fix the “reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in selected boot device Asus” error, you can adjust the boot sequence in the Windows BIOS settings. Restart your laptop and press F2 when you see the Asus logo. In the Boot tab, set the system disk as the first boot device. Save the changes by pressing F10.

Why does it say please select boot device?

It says “please select boot device” because the system is unable to find an operating system to boot from. This could be due to the disk being partitioned differently than what is specified in the BIOS. Changing to Legacy or UEFI in the BIOS settings may resolve the issue.

How do I select the proper boot device in Windows 11?

To select the proper boot device in Windows 11, you need to restart your computer and enter the BIOS by pressing F2/F8/F11/DEL. From there, navigate to the Boot tab to change the boot order and set the desired device as the first boot option. Finally, save the changes by pressing F10 and exit BIOS.

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